Well, it has been some time since I last did an entry.
A few things have changed around here recently, I redid the layout to try to make this easier to keep updated, so far, it kind of works …. I just have to do the part to keep updating!
Lots has happened in my diving since the last update many moons ago. In brief, I upgraded my rating from a Recreational Pass in Fundies to a Technical pass. Acquired a kick ass scooter, and did the appropriate training. Added more tanks and regulators to the inventory, as well as lights, cameras, backplates, and other miscellaneous equipment. Took a service course to work on my regulators. Recently completed Tech1 training!
I guess I’ll work backwards on that list …
GUE Tech 1:
Last fall, one of our local instructors convinced a group of us that we really want to do our Tech 1 training with him in the spring. So we obliged. The course is 6 days long, with just about as many days diving.
To make the story short and concise, we sucked in the water from day 1. Each somewhere different than the others, but simply put, none of us finished in those first 6 days. We did get much more awesome in the water, and learned an abundance of new skills to work on.
Having a hole in my drysuit wasn’t fun, nor was gearing up for the first dive and having my neck seal rip apart in my hands
Well, after those six days, I went away and spent some time working on some of my weaker dive areas and came back stronger into the course. We ended up adding four dives to ‘catch up’ in the class. Two dives at Willis Point with TriOx and TriMix, and then out on Ogden Points boat in the inlet with more TriMix.
We had the pleasure of having Karim join us for the course as well. My reaction when I got the news was interesting. I was driving down from Yellowknife at the time, and read the email and was ‘Awesome! oh crap, son of a …. #@@*$#@($*!!!!’ ….
In the end it all worked out well and now I’ve levelled up and am a GUE Tech 1 Diver!